You don't have to be a groomer or experience agility dog trainer to keep a dog. All you need is some knowledge about dogs and be well prepared to be a good dog owner! Need help on dog's behavior? dog's health problem? having doubts about the right products for dogs? Well, get all the information you need about dogs here!

Welcome! Yes,you have logged in to a site where you can learn everything about DOGS, learn how to give your beloved dog better health and life.I will provide you guidelines on every subject step by step, it is important to have some knowledge before and after owning one. Trust me,with your love,time and money you spend on your dog it will definitely bring you much joy in return that you could ever ask for!

Dogs are called "man's best friend", owning one will probably bring you some therapeutic value.It helps you to relax and gives you emotional support. There is much evidence shows those who like pets are more likely socially interactive. Whether you have already owned one or going to get one, this site serves you all the valuable guidelines you need to know and learn to be a better owner for the benefit of both you and your beloved paws. If you are going to be a first time owner, I would urge you to read through all the important points before getting one that best suits your life style. Remember, it is important to prepare yourself and your family well before welcoming a new member!

From getting to know about other breeds and their temperament, learning how to choose puppies,training,working with your doggy bad-behaviors, identifying illness and applying first aid etc, well you can gain all the knowledge HERE! On top of that, you will find some interesting areas where you can share with others about your experience with paws at the blog & posting your paws' pictures at the forum etc.(coming soon!) To make this site more interesting for all of you, I added 'fun animals crafts' for you to have fun in the creativity. Please do not hesitate to come back more regularly and sign up as member as I will keep you updated through the newsletters. Hope this will make you and your paws' life more interesting than ever!!


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Getting a dog?- Things to consider before bringing a pet home.
Guidelines to help you in making a better decision on which dog suits you well, how to choose a puppy and what are the essential items you should prepare before getting a dog home.
Essential items for dog - 14 basic items you need before you get a dog home
The essential items for dog you should prepare before your dog's arrival.There are so many types of collars for dogs,canned food,shampoo for dog,dog crates,dog grooming tools....etc.Find out more!
Dog Names - Four important things to consider when choosing a puppy's name.
Dog names - hundreds of unique names for dogs & the meanings from A - Z for female & male dogs. Choose a dog's name that suits the characteristic of your dog.
Dog Age & Lifespan - Dog's Biological Age
How is dog age related to human years? Also, find out more about the lifespan of different dog breeds.
Longevity of Dog Breeds - Do all breeds have the same lifespan?
Longevity of dog breeds are differ. Each breed has different lifespan. Find out more.......
Crate and Cage - a place to confine your dog and training aids
Is crate and cage better for your dog or playpen? What is the different between them?Find out why they are not just a place to confine your dog but also training aids.
Dog Collars - Which type should you get?Also find out about type of leashes too!
Types of dog collars and leashes made of different kind of materials,should you get a Body Harness?Head-Halter?Choker?Martingale collar?Anti-Barking collar?Choose the right one for the right purposes.
Dog Leashes - Why do you need and why they are also training aids?
Dog leashes - find out which type suits your dog, the needs and what you can do with leashes and collars.
Dog bowls - bowls for dog food and water
How many dog bowls do you need? Which type of material of is better for your dog food and water?Metal?Plastic?Ceramic?Also find out about other types of water containers for different purposes.
Dog brush and comb - the essential dog grooming tools for the right dog's hair
Which dog brush and comb?Important to select the correct dog grooming tools because inappropriate brush and comb will damage your dog's hair coat.Learn the correct way to brush your dog's hair coat.
Hypoallergenic dogs are dogs that cause less allergy to human
Hypoallergenic dogs could be dogs that have less hair or don't shed much to trigger human allergy reaction.So which are the dog breeds?They are other factors that could cause allergey to human too.
Dog allergies - what causes it and how many types of allergies in dogs?
Symptoms & causes of dog allergies like dog skin allergies,inhalant & contact dermatitis,hives,hay fever,bronchitis,pneumonitis,gastrointestinal & treatment. Which are the allergy - prone dog breeds?
Allergies - types of allergies in dogs and the symptoms
Informations on types of dog allergies such as inhalant dermatitis,contact dermatitis,hives(urticaria),skin disease,hayfever,bronchitis,gastrointestinal,nasal solar dermatitis,arthritis & more
Dog disease Parvovirus or Parvo,one of the deadly infectious diseases in canine
Canine Parvovirus spread from faeces, find out dog breeds that susceptible to this virus, symptoms and how vets diagnose and treatment.
Is your dog barking non stop? Identify the types of barking
Does your dog always bark non stop when someone is near your door ? Learn about alert, nuisance, and other types of barking.
Questions and Answers about Dogs - Frequent asked by dog owners
Questions and answers about dogs which most dog owners have doubts with their pets.Tips on how to avoid the common mistakes which most dog lovers normally not aware of and how to solve the problems.
Military Dogs - list of breeds,what they are good at and their tasks
Military dogs or war dogs tasks include rescueing,delivering,search and detection.Alaskan,Doberman,German Shepherd,Siberian Husky,Eskimo Dog,Belgian Sheepdog,Colie are breeds that used in the field.
Free E-Zine about Dogs
E-Zine - i will keep you informed the updated news, information on all subjects about dogs. Sign up!
Site - Blog
Site Blog of to keep you updated in a glance.
Sitemap of dogs, the ultimate list of information about dogs you need to know
Sitemap for your easy reference.All topics about dog breeds,food,accessories,dog training like dog house training & dog agility training,dog health problems,dog pitures,blog,animal crafs & more!
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Q & A

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Some questions and answers dog owners should know. Click to find out!


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Health and medical issues

Does your dog have medical issue? Or....... does it have bad odor from its' ears and what should you do? Is allergy a life threat to your dog and what are the symptoms? How do you get rid of the ticks & fleas from your dog's body without damaging its' skin? When should you give your puppy the very first vaccine? What are the common illness for the elderly dogs? ...... and more! 

Recipes for food & treats

How much do you know about dog's nutritional needs? Are you feeding your dog right? What about the food you should avoid for your dog? And what are the vitamins that help your dog's muscle development, immune system, brain growing..... and more! How about healthy, tasty recipes for dog cookies? Have fun making it, you will be delighted to know how easy it is to make dog treats and more!

Essentials items and accessories

Dog behaviour and training

Biography In Brief 



dog owner, 

owner of

 ~~~ A dog lover who is influenced by her parents' love for animals since young age. Came from a middle class family, her parents used to keep dogs, cats, rabbits, fishes and birds.  Hence, it is no surprise that she has the strong bond and love for pets. Her last paw Dixie, was supposed to put to sleep at the age of 10 by the vet........ but because of her commitment, persistent and love for her dog, she didn't give up! She told the vet ..... "as long as my Dixie doesn't have to suffer any pain, i am willing to cut down my work load to take care of please do not put him down.....i will do my very best..." The vet was surprised to see Dixie's life was extended  for another 3 more years as he said no way any dog with a heart problem can survive for this long. Well, she knew with the proper care and healthy diet for her dog, it was possible!  

Catherine : "This website was created to commemorate my beloved male dog Dixie, a Shih Tzu. Needn't to say i miss him dearly, a very good companion which had been with me for thirteen long years, he was part of my life, my best friend and i refuse to even use the correct grammar to describe Dixie as 'it' but 'him' instead, simply because he was like a family to me! 
To many dog lovers and dog owners out there i am sure you know such feeling. It was a great lost for me...... bursting into tears and sobbing......countless of sleepless nites thinking of him...... until one day i decided to share my experience and whatever knowledge and information i have on dogs to all the dog lovers out there, hoping by doing this i could help as many of you as i can so that your dogs could have a better life."

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