Dog Collars - The right collar for the right purpose!


standard dog collar made of nylon

Standard Dog Collars - another essential item for dogs. Stripe made in cotton, nylon, leather or canvas to be attached to the leash. Comes in many beautiful designs, some are fanciful serve as decorative for your dog's neck. Most importantly, collars are used as training aids and they help you to have a better control over your dogs. It is not advisable to use metal collar for smaller dog, usually the metal collar attached with the metal chain is used on big and aggressive dog. One advice, it will be safer not to attach a bell on the collar if you think your dog is always too rough and active and has habit of picking up almost everything and likes to chew because there is a chance that your dog might accidentally swallows the bell, uh!! Dog collars - a must! You have to buy one before getting a dog home whether your dog is a five months old puppy or an adolescent canine. As your puppy grows up, you may have to change to a bigger size collar. Please note : do not put on collars on puppies which are less than two months old. This type of collar goes well with the standard leash or retractable leash.


body harness

Body Harness - Fits around your dog's chest and behind his front legs. Dog will feel the pressure when he pulls the leash. It will be a good practice to put on the body harness when you are taking a scroll with your dog so that you'll have a better control over your dog's bad behavior. Do not choose a harness made of hard material if you dog is smaller in size, nylon is good enough for smaller dog otherwise it will chafe your dog. Check with the shop owner before you buy one or veterinarian the correct way of putting it on your dog . If you have an active dog, body harness with retractable leash are the ones.


A Weimaraner, breed of Germany in silky coat with head-halter around his upper neck and muzzle

Head Halter - It fits around your dog's neck and muzzle. Same as the harness, your dog will feel the pressure when he pulls the leash. It allows you to have better control on your dog by pulling your leash will turn your dog's head away. But remember, do not tug too much as it will damage your dog's neck. Many people have the wrong conception about dog with Head Halter, they either think you are cruel or your dog must be aggressive. Don't worry, your dog still has the ability to eat, drink, nip and bark, bow-wow!

Citronella collars or 'Anti-Barking Collar' - It used to control your dog from making nuisance barking by releasing distinctive odor. This type of dog collar are not sold in many countries. It has a device that will activate and spray citronella to the dog's face each time he barks. Although citronella proven works on animals without harming or killing them, I strongly advise you to consult a veterinarian first before you get one. This type of collar is more expensive then other type of collars. It may costs you as much as the range of US$50 to US$100. Some packages even come with the refill. After some time your dog should be disciplined and stop barking unnecessary. Having said that, dogs are still dogs after all, they may not behave themselves forever, so do keep your Citronella collar for future use. ( just in case ! hah! ) But do empty it before you store it. Should you need to use it again after some time, top it up with new fresh refill. You may choose any type of leashes with this type of collar.


A Schnauzer or another name called Zwergschnauzer from the country of origin of Germany seen here with a choker chain on the neck

Check, Choker and Slip-chains - These dog collars are not suitable for puppies. They are made of metal chains although some designs come with partial leather at the handle. The chains are looped to the neck. Your dog alerts to the sound and feels discomfort when he pulls the leash, it hones your dog's manners so he will stop pulling the leash. If your dog ignore the sounds and pull the leash harder, it will choke himself and damage his throat! Make sure you link the choker right. Another type is the "double-action" slip chain which tighten only a little and do not choke your dog. Please note that metal chain collar is not suitable for dog in smaller size.

Martingale Collar - You may also want to consider this type of collar, a cloth-weave collar to prevent the head slipping and ideal for long neck breeds like Weimaraner or Greyhound and dogs who are too sensitive to sound as it is not made of metal.

Note : It is important to seek advise from veterinarian or the sales assistant of the pet shop on how to put on the dog collars properly so that it will not hurt your dog.

Tips on how to check if your doggy is comfortable with the standard dog collar

After putting on the dog collar, make sure you always check by sliding TWO or THREE fingers between your dog's neck and the collar and it should fit just well. If you find it hard for your fingers to slide in, that means the collar is too tight on your dog. And if you can slide in more than three fingers easily, that means the collar is too loose on your doggy's neck.


retractable leash

Dog collars, Leashes and Retractable Leash - Choose the right dog collars with the right leashes. They are many types of leashes, it is important to choose the right one so that your puppy or adult dog will not get hurt or feel uncomfortable. ( click here!)

Frequent asked questions about DOG COLLARS

Do you have questions about dog collars? Or do you have doubts about other issues on dogs? About grooming, dog illness, dog training, dog food, and others? Click here to learn more about the common mistakes dogs' owners do and questions most dogs' lovers have

Essential Items for Dogs besides collars. - Find out what other essential items you need to prepare before you bring a dog home other than dog collars. Things like dog food, dog shampoo.....etc.

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