Details of types of allergies and the symptoms in dogs

Dog allergies can be mild ones and serious ones may lead to more severe problems if not treated early. As I have mentioned about allergic, autoimmune disoder, immune-mediated and how dog's body immune system reacts and causes allergic here I would like to summarize the details of symptoms on allergies, autoimmune disorders and immune-mediated for your easy reference.

type : allergic causes/symptoms
inhalant dermatitis where allergens inhaled into the dog's respiratory system, some dogs may have respiratory problems while some dogs' allergic response through itchy skin or inflammation on body, face, feet and even ears
hives or urticaria this is usually caused by insect's sting or biting, food allergy or drug allergy, develops itchy and swelling
hay fever when inhaled allergens from smoke, pollen, dust and dander, other than feeling itchy on skin some dogs may sneeze or dripping nose
bronchitis when inhaled through nose, the allergic response will be in the air way passage like trachea and lung and will cause a dry honking sound of cough
contact dermatitis this is a direct contact with the allergens such as grass and causes inflammation
pneumonitis when the smallest air way passage in the lung reacts to the allergy due to bacterial or fungal infection, it will cause inflammation, it usually occurs in young and old dogs, inhale of smoke or noxious chemicals can also cause pneumonia, dog with this problem will be depressed, feverish, extends his head to breath easier, fast breathing and bubbly cough
gastrointestinal condition this food allergy causes vomiting stomach contents of blood, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, weight loss, skin itchiness, self-inflicted skin damage, inflammation skin, pimples and ear canal which may lead to inflammation

type : autoimmune disorder causes/symptoms
nasal solar dermatitis also called discoid lupus erythematosus, will affect the skin cells, is common on dogs living in the sunny climates, such as Rough, Collie, Siberian Huskies, Shetland Sheepdog and White German Shepherd are prone to this problem
skin diseases (pemphigus foliaceus) it's a secondary bacterial infection affecting muzzle, nose, ears and skin around the eyes, they are serious and do not ignore treatment
neutropenia this is due to the deficiency of white blood cells

type : immune-mediated causes/symptoms
immune-mediated arthritis this is the cause of formation of antigen-antibody complexes in many forms, most common one is idiopathic polyarthritis which will develop inflammation, loss of appetite and fever, affects joints and lameness will come and go, others like rheumatoid will cause chronic pain with swelling, plasmacytic synovitis will affect the knee,and idiopathic polyarthritis which will affect the joint
immune-mediated meningitis inflammation happens in the membranes line in the brain called meninges due to the immune complexes and the dog will suffer neck pain, rigidity and reluctant to move, may last as long as a week
immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia(IMHA) where immune system attacks the red blood cells, it could be by virus, drugs, vaccines or cancer, it may happens very sudden and develops more later, the affected dog will have fever and feel lethargic, increase breathing and gums appear pale and the urine becomes darker and some cases the dog may feels difficult to walk, often happens to female dogs and can be life threatening
immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMT) this also happens mostly to female dogs, it's due to lack of platelets which is important in blood clotting otherwise dog will bleed unexpectedly and bruises will be seen, it happens to some breeds such as Poodles after an oestrous cycle, it also happens due to certain drugs and after an infection, bruises maybe seen as first sign, stools maybe tarry and black due to the bleeding into the gastrointestinal system, or bleeding in the urine and some dogs may suffered from nosebleeds

all about diagnosis, treatment and remedies on dog allergies, autoimmune disorders and immune-mediated - how the dog's body immune system reacts and causes the discomfort which leads to other problems, also learn about how vets usually treat the problems, some remedies and tips are included

hypoallergenic dogs - find out why it is relevant to allergy and which are the dog breeds that are hypoallergenic

questions and answers about dogs



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