Dog breed : long hair Lion Dog Shih Tzu or the Chrysanthemum Dog in black and white coat with hair tied on the top of the head.
Shih Tzu was believed to be the crossed breed of Tibet Lhasa Apso and China Pekingese. Pronounced as 'Shiszoo' or long hair Lion Dog also known as Chrysanthemum Dog, it was originally bred in Tibet then later developed further in Beijing, China. It was very famous Empreror dog. It was known in the West in the early years of the 20th century.
Brown short hair Chrysanthemun Dog
type : companion, non sporting dog, Chinese court dog
country of origin : Tibet
since : 1600s
height : 27cm ( 11 in )
weight : 5 - 7kg ( 10 - 16lb )
coat : black & white or black, light brown, light golden, some in dual colors
temperament : very royal, obedient, gentle, sometimes playful, alert
characteristics : long hair with hair tied up on top of the head, dense coat with little wavy at the end of the hair, big eyes, broken up face, nose pointed upwards and kink long hair tail
feeding : small eater, one third of can food with equal amount of biscuits
exercise : little, only short walk
grooming : very important to comb twice a day to avoid tangle, hair should be kept away from the eyes and mouth, ears have to be cleaned
**other dog breed looks almost like this breed : Lhasa Apso of Tibet
The Right Comb and Brush for Shih Tzu - Check out the type of grooming tools suitable for this dog breed. It is very important to use the right brush for the right hair coat so that you do not damage their hair. Learn the right way to brush or comb your dog's hair
essential items you must have for your dog - find out what are the things you should prepare before and after bringing back a dog.
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Q & A - Having problems with your doggy? Need answers for your doubts? Find out the solutions and learn to avoid the common mistakes human does to their pets!