Dog breed: North American working dog Alaskan Malamute in black, little grey and white hair coat.
This working breed known for its wolfspitz look, was developed by tribe called the Mahlemuts, the Inuit people who lived in the northwest of Alaska. This breed has strong hindquarters, broad and strong neck for pulling loads. They are working sleigh dogs, they can pull loads as heavy as 100lb or more and can travel up to about 50 miles. They are also one of the war dogs.
type : working dog, sleigh dog
country of origin : North America
since : 3000bc
height : 60-72cm ( 25 - 30in )
weight : 40 - 57kn (86 - 126lb )
coat : double layered weather resistant coat with thick woodly undercoat in black and white and combination of grey
temperament : active, devoted to owner, friendly to people but not so good with other breeds and may turn aggressive
characteristics : broad and strong neck and chest, wolfspitz looks alike, large muzzle and broad jaws, strong hocks and hindquarters
feeding : good appetite as any large dogs
exercise : plenty
grooming : daily brushing
**other dog breeds that look almost alike to this breed : Swedish Elkhound of Sweden and Siberian Husky of Russia.
Alaskan Malamute Military War Dog
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